Wednesday 16 November 2011

My first ever confession.


My name is Justine, I am 15 and I am a self confessed drama queen.

I guess there aren't many teenagers about who will openly confess to their flaws.

I guess most people reading this think all teenagers have an obession with getting drunk, having sex and basically do anything in their power to cause chaos in this adult run world.

Yes, this is true that there are teenagers who could fit perfectly into that sterotype and hold it in their stride but adults seem to forget that there are peoplein their class that are exactly the same.

I personally do not know any teenage terrorists that have killed millions of people, yet I can name a fair few adults who have.

Many people could argue that well, they just weren't old enough but then just think others say it's the parents fault who are supposedly perfect adults.

My point of that was to not sound like a moody teen who resents every adult in the world but to make the point that if you care to read my blog it is going to be very honest, very real and very dramatic.

I will treat this blog like my diary so you can understand exactly what it's like to be a teenager and by that, hopefully, gain some more respect for the minority.

Justine xoxo

Confession 1 - If I was Prime Minister of the United Kingdom my first rule would be to give every person in the world a kettle.